About Us
Our place's name is Twalumba. It's a very nice and unique word from the Tonga Valley in Zambia which means THANK YOU. Thank you to the Lord. For the wonderful woman he gave me and our two sons. Both our sons were born in Zambia. We are grateful that God has opened the doors for us to do so. We just had to wait and be patient. It happens at God's time. Not our time. Our time has come!
Self-Catering Units
Self-Catering accommodation In Marloth Park
Can Accommodate 6 to 12 guests
Each double-storey unit can accommodate up to 4 guests and is air-conditioned. The upstairs bedroom has a double bed and there are 2 single beds on the lower floor
Swimming Pool - Guests must bring their own swimming towels.
The one bathroom has a shower and the other bathroom has a bath
Each unit has a fridge and tea and coffee facilities. All units use a communal kitchen with a microwave, stove, and available Wifi.
The units share the use of a communal kitchen, braai area and pool.
Unfortunately pets are not allowed.
No loud music is allowed.
In Marloth Park, guests can see wild animals walking around, looking for various bird species. Various restaurants and Bushveld Atlantis Water Park can also be visited. Wonderful environment for walking and cycling.
Please email or call us for prices.
You also welcome to book through airbnb, lekkeslaap or safarinow.
Experience An Exotic Holidays In The Bush With Twalumba
About Marloth Park
Marloth Park is situated by the Crocodile River between Malelane and Komatipoort on the N4 highway, Marloth Park is a beautiful wildlife park and holiday destination. It boasts four of the “Big Five” with the exception of elephant. Buffalo, rhino and lion are confined to Marloth's game reserve "Lionspruit"; the rest of the game such as kudu, zebra, giraffe, blue wildebeest, nyala, impala, warthog, ostrich and others roam freely between the units that are built on 3000 ha
Marloth Park is a ideal stop point for tourists and holiday travelers travelling to the Kruger National Park, to Mozambique or to Swaziland. Many lodges and private houses are found inside the Park.
Inside Marloth Park (3,000 hectares), the freedom of movement is remarkable. Tourists can ride a bicycle or go for a walk on their own through the African bush. Movement is not confined to the housing units. While walking along the Crocodile River, visitors can watch spectacular wildlife scenes in the adjacent Kruger National Park. Local restaurants, shops and a filling station are easily accessible.
Swimming Pool
Communal Kitchen and Braai Area
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Contact Details
3218 Naboom St, Marloth Park, South Africaa